Tuesday, January 1, 2008


JANUARY 1, 2008

2008 will be the year we elect a new President.
As you may have heard from the Polls over 60% of people think the country is on the wrong track.
I tend to think that we are on the wrong track because ever since the Repulican Revolution of 1994 some arrogant leaders of that party embarked on a ..........ridiculous AGENDA that fooled millions of Americans to believe them .

However not a single POLL delves into this wrong track issue.

to be continued

BHUTTO and Democracy

Jan 1, 2008

BINAZIR BHUTTO stood for Democracy, and was assassinated for that cause.
I understand how the way she was killed could enrage her supporters to start riots etc......
However, I have been wondering :

1- if her supporters are truly democratic, then why did they resort to violence ?

2- Why her family and Party Leaders did not react in the truly democratic manner and request her supporters to stop the riots and violence as acts that would have broken her heart.

3- So, her husband and son and Party leaders should immediately ask PPP supporters to stop the violence and tell them that BINAZIR would be terribly sad to notice these violent reactions just because Democracy is a non-violent political system.
They should remind their supporters about the achievements of Mahatma Ghandi.

4- Bhutto 's son said that his mother had said : " Democracy is the best revenge "
so, he should consider advising to democratic measures or actions to win ,not violent actions

5- any leader who pomises DEMOCRACY or political system that actually allows for it , IS DOING SO OUT OF ............NOBLESSE OBLIGE.

6- PLEASE, read some previous posts ON Democracy 3/3/07


jan 1, 2008

Mayor Bloomberg is organizing a summit...........................I wish I could be invited just because I had the dream of doing just what he has the power to do now ....several years ago. ie.
ALLIANCE FOR ( the sake of ) AMERICA.
I hope Mayor Bloomberg would be so Democratic as to consider a less famous person for this meeting too. WHY NOT ??