Tuesday, July 29, 2008

DIVIDED Government or not ?

July 29,2008

The POLLOCRATS have been working to SWIFTBOAT Obama and the Congress because they are Democrats.
Pollocrats are using both their POINTED questions and poll numbers (even if they make them up).
As you know , before the 2006 election , all the three branches of Government were in Republican hands. Actually, since 1994 the REPUBLICANS became the RULERS.
The Republicans 's Goal was actually to establish :
From 1994 to 2006 The right-wingers ruled and we all saw what happened , and decided to bring back the Democrats. Unfortunately, the Dems did not have a large majority, so they were not able to do all they would have liked to. WHY ? because we had a divided government.
The President was Republican and he kept vetoing the bills . This is probably one of the reasons the Congress has low approval rating, plus the fact that POLLOCRATS want to SWIFTBOAT the Democratic Congress.
So, Perhaps the best solution is to give the Democratic party a VETO - PROOF MAJORITY, so they can actually accomplish their agenda on Health care and fixing Social Security .
IF we want the government to work for the people, by voting for a Democrat as President, the 3 branches will be in Democratic hands, and we will see how a DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY works for America.
DIVIDED government of 2006-2008 did not do the job, so let us try a Democratic MAJORITY Government ........................then the Dems will have NO EXCUSE.

That is what I like about an UNDIVIDED Government , we can hold them TOTALLY ACCOUNTABLE !!!
LET'S GO and VOTE for a Democratic Majority in 2008.

addition october 8, 2008

I AM SO GLAD i posted the above about the ineffectiveness of DIVIDED GOV.!
WHY? because recently the Republicans have been talking and WARNING the people about " THE DEMOCRATIC TRAIN WRECK "..........and advocating that divided government is better that all 3 branches being in the hands of the DEMS would be DANGEROUS.
I WAS PRESCIENT. by 70 days.
so please continue to read my post of october 8 where I will continue that discussion.

Monday, July 28, 2008


july 28,2008

While the Right-wingers keep repeating that big lie that the Media is in love with OBAMA, finally
CMPA in a new study found that
72% of the Media statements on OBAMA were NEGATIVE. Only 28 % positive
This is in tune with my personal observation.

while for McCain it was 57 % positive and 43 % negative or vice versa.



If the pollsters would ask
who do you think has brought more fame for America ? Hollywood or Washington DC ??

the answer would be


July 28, 2008

Hearing all the hatred and meanness in people of different parties calling C-Span and the analysts on Cable when expressing their political opinion makes me truly SAD.

I would like to note however that the hatred expressed by the right-wingers is notably more accentuated and generalized.

JUST LOOK what happened yesterday : A 58 year-old man went into a church and killed 2 people.................today it was said that that man killed because that CHURCH STOOD FOR LIBERAL CAUSES.

You see what I mean............HATRED kills and it comes mostly from right-wing side. whether they kill doctors for abortion ...............
please someone make a list of events

Sunday, July 27, 2008

future of America

july 27,2008

Obama came on the political stage in the Democratic Convention in 2004.
He proposed the idea that ...........there are no red states or blue states, we are the UNITED states of America.

That is a noble idea, but apparently while the KARL ROVE Republicans are alive, they will prevent this. Just listen to the rhetoric of Senator McCain and all his supporters.

This way of dividing the states , can go back to Nixon's Southern Strategy , and the culture wars and the Conservative Radio Talk shows.

This strategy has worked for the mean-spirited intellectuals and talking heads and radio shows ......................but has destroyed whatever was good in American POLITICS.

THE NICHIFICATION of America has served those who present themselves as a piece of cake surrounded by mean-spirited people who just want to HATE some other americans for the problems of America.

OBAMA is the sort of leader who can TRANSCEND this pettiness..................if only the people who have been............. led into that hateful SCHEME by right- wing leaders
and also some of the OBAMA SUPPORTERS understand fully and remember and apply what OBAMA would like to become ie a UNITER. !!!

therefore it is incumbent on the supporters of OBAMA to behave properly and in tune with this noble goal and ONE WAY TO DO THAT FOR A START IS TO ALLOW OBAMA TO BEHAVE AS A MODERATE BECAUSE ONLY MODERATION CAN CREATE THE ATMOSPHERE AND CLIMATE TO SLOWLY BECOME UNITED.

if the supporters of the right-wing and the supporters of the Dems on the left excercise some control......................then we can say