Saturday, July 7, 2012

MISSION impossible ??!!

July 7, 2012

once  again  i feel so bad  and ashamed  not to get on with my mission

Mission  Impossible ???

OBAMACARE was Upheld

July 7, 2012

So   Obamacare  was  UPHELD.   It  was  a  happy moment  and  a  Relief.
The  Mandate  was  found  constitutional  , but  under  the  TAXING power of Congress.

As  soon as I heard  the word  TAX,  and  I thought  Hey  , Justice Roberts  gave  a WEAPON  to the GOP.
But  of course  , it is  really   a  Penalty  a fine or a fee for  disobeying the law.


Today  i listened on C-Span  to the CATO  Institute   attack  on  Obamacare  and  the  21 Taxes 
Awful   fearmongering

TONIGHT   , however  i saw  again  the  Global  Lessons  for Saving American Health Care  .
and honestly,  the  fears created  by  Cato  went away !

Time magazine   March 26, 2012  page 22-23

   Zakaria  article   HEALTH  INSURANCE  is  FOR  EVERYONE