Thursday, March 20, 2014


march 20 , 2014

It is Norooz .........

decided to  write here

I really do not believe that.......

I really  do not believe  that......

I really do not believe  that  ........

All the above is  only because I believe   that  ..............

OH  wait  a minute ,  something  great  happened today when  I was listening to Diane Rheem .10-11am

Susan Eisenhower  and  former Ambassador   Jack  Matlock  10 USSR     10:22  10:31

Frank  Sezno  ,
....etc  Google 10:27;11  

Susan   Eisebnhower   10 :31:13  to  10 : 31 :42    WE need  -- the Int  community has to arrive at some basic principles about the extent to which we are going to allowthe MOB  or demonstrators or protestors depending on  whatever the situation that vocabulary applies & we  have to decide the extent to which they are allowed to determine the governing arrangements of the country they are protesting in   10:31:42
we've got problems in turkey Venezuela and Thailand ....
and until we reach some kind of international  understanding ...10:31 42