Sunday, December 27, 2020


 Dec 27 , 2020

Yesterday  i  shared  my own  definition of CAPITALISM  with a friend on Twitter ,

He liked it very much ,  

IT happened  via Messages on Twitter  at 3:02   to  3;35 pm

So , the day after Christmas 2020 , i became a Philosopher   and it was the best day I had  in recent months                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Today is  Jan 10, 2021

I just noticed that i did not give my definition of  CAPITALISM which i defined a few months ago.


It is simple and basic but correct and can be true  in all NATIONS .

I could  say  IT IS  HOW  EVERY Business Person  THINKS

Business people  can practice that logic  in a GREEDY  way  or in a  FAIRER way .

The  GOAL  has to be to PROFIT  otherwise the BUSINESS  FAILS and  with it  JOBS are LOST.

I   THINK   this    LOGIC  IS   NATURAL  . 



 AS  HAS been heard in  AMERICA  ,  

There is what has been called  CRONY  CAPITALISM . Many consider this bad form of Capitalism.  

So, i figured i have to find another ADJECTIVE  to describe  a GOOD form of  CAPITALISM . 

So how about   naming it  DEMOCRATIC  CAPITALISM ?

To update on this Jan 10 , 2021


Monday, November 30, 2020

CAPITALISM as defined by me

 November 30 , 2020

CAPITALISM  defined by  ME  :

I decided to define  CAPITALISM  in 2020  . 

I do not care what  Adam Smith  or Karl Marx  said about it ,

So , one day i defined Capitalism for myself .  Now i would like to Present it  here in the Blog AllianceForAmerica 

CAPITALISM   is   the  LOGIC  of    BUSINESS   !!

I believe that all Businessmen would like that SIMPLE  LOGICAL  DEFINITION  , in all CONTINENTS  and NATIONS

Some  CAPITAL  +  IDEA  to start a business  in the hope it will catch and grow and give PROFIT !


Monday, July 27, 2020

NOTICE COOKIES may be used

             July 27 , 2020

I had to delete this Post about COOKIES . it was irrelevant . 

 today is October 12 at 00:14 am


JULY  27 , 2020

This is wonderful !

I just now noticed that i could open my blog and write. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I am stupid

July 8, 2020

i was looking for a URL and the list came up and i saw AllianceforAmerica  . So , i clicked on it and saw my blog  which i have not  added to it , for some time in a serious way.

So , i clicked on the very first year which was  2006 and started reading it .

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


June 17, 2020

" NOTHING  is  more POWERFUL  than an IDEA  whose TIME  has  COME " Victor Hugo

When I heard that quote      twitter or  June 13,2020  , I immediately thought that I had such an Idea

I had to Tweet it   so at 5:25 pm   and later  9:38 pm           

tbcontd it is now 12 47 am  i am tired

Sunday, March 22, 2020


March 22, 2020

American Political System has become dysfunctional

Most people say they are Independents , because the 2 Parties are not good enough.

1- GOP tries to erradicate the Democratic Party . That has been obvious since President Reagan or should i even say Since WATERGATE.
Yes , I said  WATERGATE.

As a Non-Citizen who loved America since my husband and i came here to study .
I actually fell in Love with America .
I would even say that since I was a MOTHER and NOT a PROFESSIONAL , my love was kind of like MATERNAL LOVE.

It all started in APRIL 1963  when we arrived in Washington D.C  . My husband had received a Scholarship for being the TOP Student in his Class. The Scholarship was to study Orthodontics in ROCHESTER , NY  University of Rochester  Eastman Dental School.

I was not at all Politically  aware in those days . The first Political event was the Assassination of President John F Kennedy  on November 22  1963

We left America  in August 1967 to go back to serve the People of IRAN because we felt duty bound after receiving a Scholarship from the SHAH of IRAN

To be cntd

The meaning of ALLIANCE for AMERICA

March 22, 2020

I made some mistakes . i made some comments which are actually my own ideas expressed when i started this blog way back in Dec 2010 ?

It was about the dissatisfaction with the 2 Parties which showed in the fact that Americans identify more as INDEPENDENT  than the 2 Major Political Parties.

So , i thought since there is NO  INDEPENDENT Party,  their VOICE and Votes would not make real difference .
But i felt that by  CLARIFYING  the way I thought i was INDEPENDENT  , i could  see if there was a way to MOBILIZE the So-Called INDEPENDENTS to really make a Diffence or get some CLOUT


I actually expressed some ideas which were from me  As  COMMENTs to this blog which i had created using MALEE  as my name

So, if you go and read that POST which is on  3/25/2017  just before the silly unfinished  the I was watching CNN .....................not finished thought
You will see what i Mean
Obviously i will have to enter it here to make some sense  so i need to make a copy to RE-enter here every word  and then continue -----------
from that line