It is now March 28, 2021
I should write more often here but the most important thing is the REASON i started this blog.
I am an INDEPENDENT not Affiliated to any Party .
Therefore i was thinking about how we can as INDEPENDENTS have any Power.
I became a US CITIZEN in Feb 2000 registered as a Democrat. Then during the 2004 Campaign when John Kerry was running I supported him .
BUT because i have an Objection to one Policy of the DNC , i said to myself that I will change my VOTING REGISTRATION to INDEPENDENT.
It was done in FEBRUARY 2005 I became fully INDEPENDENT.
.May i Suggest that you please go back to the POSTS of 2006 the first 3 will show what was my goal and why i think THE INDEPENDENTS SHOULD KNOW how to INFLUENCE POLITICS .
2- Because there are NO PERFECT POLITICIANS
3- Let us be clear on that .
to be continued