Wednesday, March 21, 2007


MARCH 21, 2007

Today, we witnessed the birth of a new phenomenon........CITIZEN ADS

PHIL DE VELLIS used this term by coming out , ie disclosing that he was the one who created that ad Parkridge47 about Hillary Clinton.

The idea of Democracy , or the belief in Democracy is the reason for this new political creativity.
It is a welcome one.
However , it would be wonderful if those CITIZEN ADS would concentrate on DEMOCRATIC ISSUES necessary for the well being of the citizenry, and not so much on bashing candidates.

People should concentrate on what the candidates should do for the people .........government of the people for the people.

If these citizen ads concentrate alone on bashing or promoting candidates , it will divert attention from the most important issues like Health care and education reform, and a good reform of social security that will mend the system and not abolish it with privatization ideas.

1 comment:

Sasha Novacesta said...

Considering the amount of money it takes to run an ad, especially on TV, and comparing that to the discretionary income of the average citizen, even here, in the most affluent society the world has ever known, and you should quickly see that there is not, and never will be, a phenomenon of "citizen ads." The "citizens" who can afford to run ads are, without exception, wealthy, and their views, and therefore their ads, are likely to reflect not the will or interests or needs of "the people" but rather of those who intend to stay wealthy. That is not to say that some persons wealthy enough to run ads might sponsor a more populist or progressive message, and even most of those will reflect something only slightly more progressive than the status quo.