Sunday, November 25, 2007


November 25, 2007

I wanted to make sure I started this post tonight although i knew i could not write more than the title............but too bad i just forgot the title.
hoping to remember soon.......

Ibid you good night and good luck.
................................................................................nov 29 , 2007
well , I finally remembered the title of the post .
what does noblesse oblige mean ? I would define it as follows........Nobility obliges (you to act in a certain fashion , worthy of that title .
A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THAT NOBILITY OF ACTION (noble act) is the way GM and FORD and all the other great US companies and UNIVERSITIES have been offering HEALTH CARE to their employees for so many years, even though it has become an unbearable burden for them, so much that both GM and FORD costs for healthcare has bankrupted them. while TOYOTA's employees health care is paid by the GOVERNMENT.
So, apparently the NOBLE Japanese Government acted according to NOBLESSE OBLIGE.

BUT , here UNCLE SAM forgets Noblesse Oblige, and behaves like Uncle Scrooge.

It seems it is time the great employers pass this baton to the GOV

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