Monday, January 19, 2009


Tomorrow Barack will be sworn in.

When I started Alliance for America, with the hope that people would be able to go beyond Party labels and dogmas in order to work for the sake of AMERICA
hence the TERM of this blog:

alliance for america

This is exactly what I hear Obama has invited people to do : to become active for the sake of America's FUTURE.

so. I feel in a way victorious too .

i hope the haters will think of america and move beyond their hatred too.


jan 19, 2009

I do not think it would be fair to think OBAMA has failed if the economy does not completely recover by a certain date.
If he can create millions of job and figure out something positive for Health care and helps student get student loans and helps the CAR companies not go is good enough. ANY improvement is positive.

BUT he must be truthful all the way. i could not bear it if he lies.

ALSO most important is to realize that if GOD FORBID there is a different kind of terrorist attack on USA from the kind of 9/11, that would only mean that the Dicector McConell is right when he says that he is afraid of CYBER attack and BIO Terrorism: meaning that if it happens any might not be anybody's fault either.

BECAUSE NO ONE CAN or knows how to PREVENT THESE 2 KINDS of terrorism yet.
so perhaps it is better foe us to become so good that no one hates us !!!

THE ONLY..................

On friday January 16, 2009 I made this entry in my intellectual/political diary (book 126/120)

The Only thing that should not .......... CHANGE is :


I hope he will have the COURAGE to remain true to himself and all what he said he stood for to the millions of hopeful supporters and voters who believed him and TRUSTED HIM.

May GOD help America to lead the world out of this tragic financial situation.


On Friday Jan 16, 2009 at 7:35pm
I thought of one thing, and I wrote it in my intellectual/political diary (book 126) the following :



i am having problems with the colorsreally stupid

Monday, January 12, 2009

To CHANGE or NOT CHANGE, that is the question

Jan 12, 2009

That is SHAKESPEREAN question in front of OBAMA, it seems...............BUT this is a problem.

THIS is the question that should not even be in front of him.
The question itself seems a betrayal of all his campaign stood for.

NO CHANGE will mean death of the Obama the hopeful promise.

too sad to even contemplate !!

OBAMA had a big win bigger than what George W Bush had in 2004................
so why not be as assertive as Pres. Bush about his POLITICAL CAPITAL ?
Obama has a bigger Political capital after having 365 Electoral votes .
He should not forget this and should not act so weakly.


JAN 12, 2009

I have been wanting to send a letter to the President Obama earlier than Jan 20,
Have not done so.
This morning I sent an E-mail OPEN LETTER to THE NATION magazine for him, perhaps because that magazine had written an Open Letter for OBAMA , to which I replied (sep 19 issue).

Also since Chris Hayes had a great article Barack Obama.......... " The Pragmatist " in the Dec 29 issue.
OBAMA wanted and wants to be a UNITER..... so it is natural that he LISTENS to the Other side..............but bending backward to PLEASE the Republican hard -liners who still live int the pre-market crash of yonder not pragmatism it is forgetting his own philosophy that made him win.
This is forgetting those who VOTED for him , to please those who are waiting to VOTE HIM OUT in 2010/2012
THIS would be BETRAYAL of TRUST of all those who supported Obama with so much money and so much energy and trust and HOPE.

This is a friendly warning to Obama and also his supporters to be ALERT and awake.

I will copy the letter which was published on Sep 29,08 , but cannot write here the one I emailed to THE NATION today.
just so you know where I come from.


Governor CUOMO said so well A BENIGN pragmatist is OK but not the MACHIAVELLIAN pragmatist type.

CORRECT is better than RIGHT

Jan 12, 2009

I do not know if I have written about the difference between the CORRECT position and the RIGHT position before here.
But I have noted it in my intellectual diary.
I really decided to alert people about this after seeing the ad of Pat ROBERTSON and Rev Sharpton in their MUTUAL ad about global warming..............
Pat was grinning and mentionned ..... THE RIGHT ....

In truth the Republicans ( 1 ) have benefited too much from the meaning of the word RIGHT
by saying the Left is wrong, and the Right is RIGHT