Monday, January 19, 2009


jan 19, 2009

I do not think it would be fair to think OBAMA has failed if the economy does not completely recover by a certain date.
If he can create millions of job and figure out something positive for Health care and helps student get student loans and helps the CAR companies not go is good enough. ANY improvement is positive.

BUT he must be truthful all the way. i could not bear it if he lies.

ALSO most important is to realize that if GOD FORBID there is a different kind of terrorist attack on USA from the kind of 9/11, that would only mean that the Dicector McConell is right when he says that he is afraid of CYBER attack and BIO Terrorism: meaning that if it happens any might not be anybody's fault either.

BECAUSE NO ONE CAN or knows how to PREVENT THESE 2 KINDS of terrorism yet.
so perhaps it is better foe us to become so good that no one hates us !!!

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