Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Dec 9, 2009

As I said when I started this AFA blogspot................I became UNafiliated as soon as the 2004 election was over .
My reasoning was and still is.........if I cannot agree 100% with a party. Why should I accept their label on me ?!

But as time passed , I had to react to political events and trends, and as the REPUBLICAN Policies were so obviously wrong and UN-democratic , I found myself defending Obama and Nancy Pelosi because I noticed that the attacks were so UNJUSTIFIED.

Even at one time , realizing that a lot of issues had to be tackeled and with republican opposition being so adamant nothing will be done and we would have GRIdLock ; I wanted a VETO-proof DEMOcratic Majority so as to GET THINGS DONE.

WHAT has happened since the election, was to my amazement and sadness even worse than I expected.

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