Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tough love ? why ?

April 22, 2010

Tonight I am upset about the MAIN TITLE i saw on Huffington Post :

2 Presidents 2 messages :
OBAMA to Anti - reform Bankers " JOIN US "

FDR . " I welcome their hatred "

As if it was possible to COMPARE the 2 Presidents without the CONTEXT : Different world , Different times.
1933 and 2010

HuffPost has forgotten that in a time when there is SO MUCH HATRED and CRITICISM leveled at OBAMA that in order to balance , the Left should show some LOVE for the President. This title almost MOCKS OBAMA instead of UNDERSTANDING,

1- May I remind Huffpost that America was the greatest INDUSTRIAL NAtion, in 2010 we are no longer that and the FINANCIAL Sector comprises over 40 % of the US economy.

2- FDR belonged to the RULING CLASS, and he could say that. OBAMA cannot say that because he had accepted CONTRIBUTION from WALL Street, due to the ridiculous Campaign FINANCE system.

3- " JOIN US ".............are you surprised ? have you forgotten Obama promised to be a UNITER?

I NOW rest my case.

I Hope the people who comment show more UNDERSTANDING and COMPASSION to the PRESIDENT's position.
It is time the Left show some STRATEGIC SUPPORT for OBAMA.

The same goes for the GAY community and the HISPANIC community. IT IS No time to BULLY the PRESIDENT, into rushing into laws that need the right timing for success.

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