Sunday, June 6, 2010


Sunday June 6, 2010

I have had it..............................with the CABLE/TV chattering class ,White House press corps and all those ill advised ignorant people who keep ATTACKING the President for not showing enough emotion etc etc...............not having done enough ...........

Just try to remember how they were during BUSH/CHENEY 8 years . LAP DOGS who did not question about the rushing to IRAQ
the ATTACK DOGS that they are about this administration.

Are they attacking the PREZ so as to save BP from criticism ?

Surely, the CULPRIT is so OBVIOUS , that we should not even divert our attention.

I hope the written PRESS is apart from that chattering class.............because i had such great admiration for the PRESS., and freedom of speech.
BUT since I hear so many bad judments from the Chattering class.....................i honestly feel like saying SHUT UP, although my politeness would make me say STOP , BE QUIET.
You are ruining America.

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