Sunday, November 21, 2010


Nov 21 , 2010

Mr Buffett says that TRICKLE DOWN theory has FAILED.

This is really like a COUP against the insistance of the Republican Party who ever since Reagan have insited that the trickle down Economics is the best way to go.

All these 30 years the Republican Party has been helping the rich in the hope that it would trickel down.
Well, for sure any theory works for a while ..........until it stops working .
In 1996 , I arrived at a realization that the trickle down works till it reaches the S------o Effect.
I have always wanted to coin that term .........but being only a ............., i

Also, MILLIONAIRES (patriotic ones ) have said TAX US ! that is real PATRIOTISM

I am so grateful to them . It is a big help now with the BUSH TAX cut issue on the LINE.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Nov 14, 2o10

Everytime i hear a Politician use the term THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.........................etc

I truly become FURIOUS. How dare they speak for the American people.

This term is usually used most by GOPers. I have never heard the DEMS use it in an offensive and generalized fashion.

After the NOV 2 election, when the GOPers said THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT US to repeal H C .....etc etc............

I REACTED by realizing that the CORRECT term to to say The Majority of VOTERS want us to.....

BECAUSE that is about the VOTERS and NOT the PEOPLE..............when only 45 million people went to vote. in the Mid term election.
The majority of PEOPLE have NOT spoken because they have stayed home and NOT voted.
Actually a MINORITY of people came out to VOTE !!!

So i say to the GOPers................HOW DARE YOU SPEAK for the American People ????

RIGHT/wrong DIRECTION?or something else !

Nov 14, 2010

I have always wondered why people reply to Poll question about the direction of the country .

Is it going in the right direction or wrong direction ??

well, I would answer it according how I felt about the Economy. for example if the Economy is good i would say it is going in the right direction.............

Also if we have wars that are not going really well....................i would say it is going in the wrong direction.

ALSO, if the climate of the country has been set by the HATRED and ANGER of the Teabag..ers.............that poisonous atmosphere alone would make me say it is going in the Wrong direction.

so...............No wonder the majority say it is going in the wrong direction .....BUT

THAT " going in the WRONG direction "was also during Bush's reign

BUT let us focus on what has happened since the country almost fell into a DEPRESSION.
1- that depression was prevented.
2- The Market that fell to its lowest on March 2009.............has come up 60 %
3- The corporations are FLUSH with Cash
4- for some 7 months even some jobs have been created

SO who can HONESTLY say the country is going in the WRONG Direction ???
answer :
Only angry and hateful people can , because they are blinded by their hatred .

However and intelligent and fair person can distinguish between personal economy (micro economics ) and Nation's economy (MACRO economics )and would SEE the UPWARD TREND enumerated above.

so if someone tells me the country is not going in the Right Direction.........................MY answer would be
SURE, it is because it is going in the CORRECT Direction.!!!! after 32 years of going in the Right direction, it is finally going back toward the CENTER.

But unfortunately, the TEAbag..ers have taken it right back to the Far right.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

2 Previous posts

Nov 13, 2010

I would like you to go and read 2 previous posts

1- Gridlock 2/12/10

2- Independents ?? 12/9/09

Meaning of NOV 2

Nov 13, 2010

If it is true that in 2008 23 million 18 to 29 yrs old voted for Obama but
in 2010 only 9 Million " " came out to vote

the difference a staggering 14 million less voters

The total of people voting for the GOP was only 5 million more than the votes for DEMs
so if only half of them had come out ..................we would have won by 2 million more votes (assuming of course they would have voted for DEMS)

This in plain English means that because 14 million people less came out to vote .................the Dems lost their majority.

Now let us have a look at the TOTAL numbers of people who came out to VOTE

if it was 45 million ?? for the mid-term election.
that is probably less than half the elligible the So-called HUGE Victory of the GOP is not so meaningful...........!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

election Nov 2

Nov 11, 2010

Well, the so-called Independents swang again , and the Young decided to not turn out.

I have not seen all numbers about who came out to vote..........?

How many voters voted this mid -term election ?

without these numbers ,it would be difficult to declare the meaning of this Democratic Loss.