Sunday, November 14, 2010


Nov 14, 2o10

Everytime i hear a Politician use the term THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.........................etc

I truly become FURIOUS. How dare they speak for the American people.

This term is usually used most by GOPers. I have never heard the DEMS use it in an offensive and generalized fashion.

After the NOV 2 election, when the GOPers said THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT US to repeal H C .....etc etc............

I REACTED by realizing that the CORRECT term to to say The Majority of VOTERS want us to.....

BECAUSE that is about the VOTERS and NOT the PEOPLE..............when only 45 million people went to vote. in the Mid term election.
The majority of PEOPLE have NOT spoken because they have stayed home and NOT voted.
Actually a MINORITY of people came out to VOTE !!!

So i say to the GOPers................HOW DARE YOU SPEAK for the American People ????

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