Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sun March 13, 2011

My concern for America should be obvious to all who learn why in Dec 2004 , I bought a domain name ALLIANCE FO AMERICA.

So , as an inevitable consequence for that true love, when I heard about the US Debt hitting 14 Trillion dollars mark , it was obvious that I would react and search for a SOLUTION.

So, on Dec 6 2010, I bought several domain names


2- USDebtNoMore.US


I started a Blog which you can reach

over 2 months have passed and i have been only able to figure out how i should go about it in a post titled BREAKTHROUGH.

However, the most difficult part is to get it to the OFFICIAL I have in mind without the mail being thrown in the trash by some insentitive Bureaucrat who opens the letter.

SO , I have to figure that out. I probably will have to use MULTIPLE ADDRESSES so that among all one will have the Intelligence and Care to give it to ............

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