Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Divided Government...........a Divided NATION

April 9, 2011 In one of my earlier posts here, I mentionned that because we have so many problems , it is better to have a UNITED Government. At that time , I was hoping that a Super majority for the Democrats , would give us that. UNFORTUNATELY, the Democrats themselves were not , and are not UNITED , and DIVIDED they FELL in Nov 2010. Also, I certainly did not expect the GOP Opposition to be so LETHAL. So here we are , with a Divided Government, and one party much stronger than the other , more mean and determined to kill the other party , so as to become the ............... PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY. I do not know what you understand by the PERMANENT Republican Majority........................but i hear the footsteps of another type of TOTALITARIAN Government with just the freedom of speech for the minority, but with NO POWER . From now on , the Democratic Party is the minority party , until the people realize what has come about in our Democracy, and use the ONLY TOOL they have ie The VOTE. ............................................VOTE for the UNDERDOG PARTY to create Balance !.................!!! PS what has just happened in Wisconsin VOTE COUNT is obviously alarming. The people's VOTES may not even be counted with the possibility of voter supression and the CROOKED VOTING machine and CROOKED county clerks.

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