Sunday, July 24, 2011

NOW i know why !!!!!!!!!!!

July 24, 2011

I had heard that the GOPers wanted to establish the:


however I was not sure when . So it was with great pleasure that that question was answered on July 14, 2011. at exactly 10.52 am

That great event happened on NPR Diane Rheem Show when she said that Gov Patrick had been a classmate of GROVER NORQUIST, and apparently when he had met him again in 2003, Grover told him about the PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY !!

GOV Patrick questionned him about that in disbelief that anyone should speak of PERMANENT Majority in a Democracy.

To which Grover replied : " we will make it so , that a Democrat cannot govern as a Democrat "

So, you see my fellow citizens that the 2 party system is actually a ONE PARTY system. When every elected official has to govern as the REPUBLICAN PARTY DICTATES.

And today as we are awaiting the Deal about the DEBT CEILING can bet that once again the GOPers will dictate their terms to President Obama , as they had done previously to the last Democratic President BILL CLINTON.


July 26, 2011

Well , tonight again Lawrence O'Donnell mentionned Grover's line to BILL MAHER when Bill said that is it not sad that we have elected a Democratic President and have not been able to do Democratic POLICIES.
Since I wanted to tell Bill Maher that, Lawrence did it for me.

8:22 pm

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