Thursday, October 20, 2011

OCCUPY wall street

October 20. 2011

I was in New York , and while on a Grayline hop on and Hop off bus , we passed the OWS protest.
I could not resist , and I hopped off and went to see what was happening.
I did not know the name of the place, but i saw it was on Broadway and Cedar st.

Later on i learned it must be the now famous ZUCCOTTI Park.

I saw a sign and told the young man that he should not use BAD words........It was about UNCLE SAM being a M-------- !
He did not object to my objection , and he explained.....
But i still insisted NO bad words. and at a time when the FED Gov was under attack, it should not be attacked by them too, making them exactly like the Teabaggers.

I complimented those who had good signs
I Also told some young men (3) that it was not wise to be 100% agaisnt Wall Street etc....

I met a lady who had a marvellous sign hand written in support of Obama and I agreed with her.she cried..........I also took her toward another sign that was Pro Obama and there I took her sign and held it too...........up high.
Also , I asked that other man if I could hold up his sign. He was happy to hand it over. I guess it is hard to hold up a sign for a long time hours upon hours !

So, I really appreciated my visit with them.
I hope they can succeed in cleaning the system .

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