Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Nov 29, 2011

tonight i do not have time ........but i want to discuss some important matter in order to clarify and GEREH GOSHAii

but the person who talked of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat was rather silly was he not.??
on the other extreme we would have the Dictatorship of the bosses !! well that does not sound very good either.

First it is that word DICTATORSHIP


i want to talk about KERRY when he was running for President. He said point blank :

We cannot be FOR JOBS , if we are against JOB CREATORS .......sure that made sense

and so JOB Seekers must not be against JOB Creators !!

the Difference between DICTATORSHIP and DEMOCRACY lies in an understanding between the employer and the employee.

I want also to give a real life example to decide about this issue .

Let me tell you about hearing of a company who had hit hard times . The boss said to the employees that times are tough , and we cannot continue as before . I have to either reduce employees , or we could ask everyone to work instead of 5 days a week , only 3 . or 30 hours instead of 40 hours.

One employee said , i will go elsewhere because i cannot do with the pay for only 3 days , i need full time.
But the others decided to accept and do as the employer BOSS said. so that all would still have a job.

Does that sound reasonable or not ?

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