Sunday, December 30, 2012

OFF the CLIFF ??

Sun Dec 30, 2012

We are waiting to see what  kind of a deal  they will make .
But , the way this has been going, it is  better  to have NO DEAL and allow all Bush Cuts  to just expire automatically. 
It has been said that  We do not have a revenue problem, we have a SPENDING problem.

Oh sure  we have  both a Revenue problem  AND  a  Spending problem.

i was never able to  draw the graph here  , but it would be very revealing.

Some points :
1-  All spending  actually  GREASES  the ECONOMY  .so it is not a FUTILE thing
2- I would agree that  it is bad to borrow MONEY to  spend.
but let's  see it not what  the BIG FOLKS have been telling STUDENTS  to do  .....borrow to go to College  and  yes  Also  to consumers  BORROW  to  buy stuff. 

So now we do not want Uncle Sam to borrow ?!

let us see 16 Trillion dollars Uncle SAM    .the debt of the richest super power

compare to  ONE TRILLION  of  Debt  for our STUDENTS .
seen side by side
the Debt of Uncle Sam looks  very small  , really  REALLY !

OK now that i have said my peice,  i will  agree that  we should not have BORROWED  to spend.
SO, here we go
WE  SHOULD Not have given so mauy  TAX  CUTS   so we could have more  revenue  to SPEND and INVEST in our INFRA STRUCTURE.
Because lets  face it    REDUCING  TOP Tax  Rate  from 91 %  to   35%  is really  MAJOR mistake.and hit to the revenue.

NOW  some will say OH but the revenue has remained about  the same  !!??
OH  i  will reply.......
let s see.  the REVENUE may  have remained about same >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BUT 
the  COST  of GOV has gone UP  because  of  POPULATION GROWTH

that is  where we go back to the GRAPH  i wanted  to draw  to  make this point  CLEAR

you see in  1950  the  US Population was  151 Million    ............2010  it grew to  308 Million 

so the REVENUE  should have DOUBLED    too, so Fed Gov could  cater to the growing population is now more than DOUBLED.
BUT  due to the CONSTANT  tax cuts  from 91 % to  35 %    ie  almost cut to 1/3

now let's draw  that  graph  which will be  made of of 3 lines

1-  tax  cuts  from 91  %  to  35 %     from 1950   to   2010
2-  Revenue  .....get it from IRS....................ditto..........................
3-  Population  growth  .............................ditto..........................
NOW  you can see  
A GRAPH  is  worth  a THOUSAND  WORDS  !.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

JESUS Changed the world +

Dec 25, 2012

1-  Without Jesus , the world  would be so much uglier  politically/socially wise

2-  It was  2 christmas ago that i wrote a special message in my  Christmas  card  because I had realized  what  the MEANING  of JESUS  's  influence in the world
I did not give them  my  answer 

I had realized  that  He  ushered   Liberalism  and Democracy  , or perhaps i should say  had it not been for him and Christianity,  there would be no Democracy or Liberalism


also today I heard  George Will   speaking at the      UNIV       role of Religion in Politics 

and i have  some   COUNTER  punch   i think  3   


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Dec 12, 12
or 12/12/12

Well, was  away  on Election day. I learned at 7.48 am  T time  that Obama had won.
It was really  really  a nice moment.
I did not expect it  to end so soon  either.  And the Electoral  VICTORY  of  336  to  206  was certainly  a surprise. Pleasant one at that.

I had a special  Prayer  for Obama to win. SO it must  have worked and I am grateful.

Monday, October 8, 2012


October 8, 2012

Columbus  day

A   1-   Alexis  de Tocqueville     2 -  Ayn  RAND     3 -  MEEE

B     1  -  Jefferson     2-  Lord   Acton      3-  Meee

C    1-   Moses     2-  Messiah       3-    M  .....or  Meee

D    1-  Karl  Marx    ...............and   2  -  MEEE

To be explained  later 

Sunday, September 23, 2012


ON  Sep 22 , 2012   Bill Maher  finally  kicked off their pedestals  !! at the end of his  REAL TIME  show

It  really  represented  all  what  I think  too.  These  so-called   Swing VOTERS  who do not BELONG  to any Political  Party  .
I called  them  INDEPENDENTS  and  that is  the reason  I started  ALLIANCE FOR  AMERICA  
I intended  to make them realize  that the  lack of  GOAL and FOCUS  on what is really needed  to  break the GRIDLOCK  which  happens  when ONE PARTY  does  not have ENOUGH  GOVERNING Majority  to SOLVE  problems.

SO  , for the sake of AMERICA  , I wanted them to FORM  an ALLIANCE  for the sake  of AMERICA to focus  on  a set of issues  and solutions for them and match  up to

PS  ABC  Stphanopoulus   10:17 am asked   Axelrod  How do you explain  GALLUP poll shows them TIED

Saturday, September 22, 2012



Sep 22, 2012


june 4 ,2012 and  July 3    book 142

W B I  N  L O C F D R             march 17 2009     from Sep 2008    
W B A N L O C F D R                     (   hey    FDR ?   )

Difference   between  I    and  A    whichever  It is  up to U


telephone    sept 21, 2012

FRIDAY @  11:52    DC  ---  ETC
ROCHESTER   ,,,,,,11:54am       subject  Libya       kim    again   @  12:46 pm


ISLAMIC RAGE   ??    " Insults to Islam yield Predictable results "

sep  18, 2012    letter  to  D  &  C      Mary told me  about it.
  i had prepared  an email sent to
NY TIMES,  USA Today  TIME  mag   then forwarded  to  D & C

I did not even think  about it  because of the way i typed  it and the  parts in red  .Usually you are not supposed to send it to only  one .

_______________i did not think  that is  what  i had forgotten to write  but  i ....


Sat  Sep 22, 2012

I felt  like  taking on :
1-  one line  of  Karl Marx 
2-  One line  of  Thomas  Jefferson   
3-  One line  of  Lord Acton

from  many years  ago....................the Karl Marx  one  was  more recent  . (mentionned
 on Oct 10 at Zuccoti Park )

so tonight  , thinking  that  i will not  be able to write a book  (as i wished for so long )  i felt  like  calling  myself  an Intellectual wrestler  .
QUITE  apt  since  i  wrestle  with  some lines spoken or written by  those


BTW  , while  I am at it here  TELEPHONED  - - -   about Libya suggestion   DC  then 11:54 am  and 12:46 pm
I really  felt happy  then  and now


To be explained  later

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ON the RIGHT TRACK/wrong Track question

August  22, 2012

I have always  been  puzzled  by the RIGHT  track /  WRONG track  question  .

I do not remember  if there has ever been a POSITIVE  number  since  Sep 11, 2001. 

But  , I really  do not know.
However  if  they asked me that question today, I would  say  YES  we are on the RIGHT  track because I voted  for  President Obama  BETTER  . 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

MISSION impossible ??!!

July 7, 2012

once  again  i feel so bad  and ashamed  not to get on with my mission

Mission  Impossible ???

OBAMACARE was Upheld

July 7, 2012

So   Obamacare  was  UPHELD.   It  was  a  happy moment  and  a  Relief.
The  Mandate  was  found  constitutional  , but  under  the  TAXING power of Congress.

As  soon as I heard  the word  TAX,  and  I thought  Hey  , Justice Roberts  gave  a WEAPON  to the GOP.
But  of course  , it is  really   a  Penalty  a fine or a fee for  disobeying the law.


Today  i listened on C-Span  to the CATO  Institute   attack  on  Obamacare  and  the  21 Taxes 
Awful   fearmongering

TONIGHT   , however  i saw  again  the  Global  Lessons  for Saving American Health Care  .
and honestly,  the  fears created  by  Cato  went away !

Time magazine   March 26, 2012  page 22-23

   Zakaria  article   HEALTH  INSURANCE  is  FOR  EVERYONE

Sunday, June 24, 2012

On Negative Ads

June 24, 2012

Negative  ads  are  a form  of  expression . Therefore  they  are  protected  under  Freedom  of  Speech.

However  , like  probably everything  else,  there  are  Good  and   Bad  Negative  ads.!

So ,  the Negative  Ads  which are  based  on  Facts,  are  the GOOD   ones.
Negative  Ads  that  contain  lies  and  false information   etc   are   BAD   .

I think  according  to the  above  description,  the  BAIN  Ad  was  a  GOOD  Ad .

Most  of the  GOP  Ads  are  sheer OPINION  ads  colored  with  Hatred  . But I have not seen  all of them probably, so I  will reserve  my right  to   applaud  if  i see one single  one  that is   FAIR  &  BALANCED.

HOW  about  that ?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

SAD may 20 2012

May  20,  2012

I   am   so  sad  about   what  has  happened  to  America.  I  really  really feel  like crying.  

i have  so  many good ideas   for  lifting up  the  country  out  of  this  awful political  climate  that has  been  CREATED   to  divide  the people    since   the early 80's .

Talk radio   hatred    TEAbagger   hatred  

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Feb 12, 2012

America has many problems which need solutions.

For years, the elected officials seem to have bee more interested in 1) enriching themselves 2) occupied with their own re election 3) and some Dividing the country ,so they could establish PERMANENT Politica POWER .

As a citizen who loves solutions, I noticed and focus on ONE problem which is DEMOGRAPHIC ..................and try to find the DEMOGRAPHIC SOLUTION for that problem.


AMERICA let us MOVE forward

Feb 12, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Jan 21, 2012

Newt , It is DESPICABLE of you to lie about President OBAMA.

How dare you Attack the journalists (FREEDOM of the PRESS /SPEECH ) who ask you legitimate questions , about something you did ?

I happen to THINK that the VICIOUS NEGATIVE nature of much of what the GOPers and TEAbaggers , and yes NEWT himself have said in the past 3 years was and is DESPICABLE



You are despicable to ATTRIBUTE the rise of FOOD Stamp recipients to President Obama , when you know very well that the REAL and ROOT cause for that rise is the RISE in POVERTY caused by the HOUSING CRASH and The worst RECESSION any President has inherited.


Your attack on the 2 MEDIA Moderators who DARED ask you a question .

DO you not know that FREEDOM of the PRESS ALLOWS them to ask you ANY question ??

Sunday, January 15, 2012

VULTURE capitalism

This past week Romney has been called VULTURE Capitalist by none other than Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich.

So, Job creation is not Romney's trade , but WEALTH creation VIA job cutting and Benefit cutting, and pension destroying .............

WELCOME to lower wages ,and no bargaining rights .

Where is George Bush'scompassionate conservatism.

Jan 21. 2012

I learned last week that One of Romney's sons is in REAL as soon as I heard that , I connected the dot , and realized WHY MITT said the GOV sould do nothing about the Foreclosures and let it run its course so it CRASHES.............

SO his son and other Real Estate clan can SCOOP the carcasses like VULTURES.


JUST so you know.


sunday 15 January, 2012

Tonight it seems at 9.35 pm ET I TWEETED the following :

" It has been said that HATRED is the Most POTENT Force in American Politics. The Midterm 2010 Election was and is a TESTAMENT to that "
i should have added Hatred ,but no , it is too much to bear .

Also i emailed COUNTERATTACKing and OUR NUMBER ONE GOAL to several DEM s and louise Slaughter's office. and some family

Also the lines i have been working on about NO prez has won Re-election .......sent to XYZ Alivelshi on tweeter