Saturday, September 22, 2012


Sep 22, 2012


june 4 ,2012 and  July 3    book 142

W B I  N  L O C F D R             march 17 2009     from Sep 2008    
W B A N L O C F D R                     (   hey    FDR ?   )

Difference   between  I    and  A    whichever  It is  up to U


telephone    sept 21, 2012

FRIDAY @  11:52    DC  ---  ETC
ROCHESTER   ,,,,,,11:54am       subject  Libya       kim    again   @  12:46 pm


ISLAMIC RAGE   ??    " Insults to Islam yield Predictable results "

sep  18, 2012    letter  to  D  &  C      Mary told me  about it.
  i had prepared  an email sent to
NY TIMES,  USA Today  TIME  mag   then forwarded  to  D & C

I did not even think  about it  because of the way i typed  it and the  parts in red  .Usually you are not supposed to send it to only  one .

_______________i did not think  that is  what  i had forgotten to write  but  i ....

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