Sunday, September 23, 2012


ON  Sep 22 , 2012   Bill Maher  finally  kicked off their pedestals  !! at the end of his  REAL TIME  show

It  really  represented  all  what  I think  too.  These  so-called   Swing VOTERS  who do not BELONG  to any Political  Party  .
I called  them  INDEPENDENTS  and  that is  the reason  I started  ALLIANCE FOR  AMERICA  
I intended  to make them realize  that the  lack of  GOAL and FOCUS  on what is really needed  to  break the GRIDLOCK  which  happens  when ONE PARTY  does  not have ENOUGH  GOVERNING Majority  to SOLVE  problems.

SO  , for the sake of AMERICA  , I wanted them to FORM  an ALLIANCE  for the sake  of AMERICA to focus  on  a set of issues  and solutions for them and match  up to

PS  ABC  Stphanopoulus   10:17 am asked   Axelrod  How do you explain  GALLUP poll shows them TIED

Saturday, September 22, 2012



Sep 22, 2012


june 4 ,2012 and  July 3    book 142

W B I  N  L O C F D R             march 17 2009     from Sep 2008    
W B A N L O C F D R                     (   hey    FDR ?   )

Difference   between  I    and  A    whichever  It is  up to U


telephone    sept 21, 2012

FRIDAY @  11:52    DC  ---  ETC
ROCHESTER   ,,,,,,11:54am       subject  Libya       kim    again   @  12:46 pm


ISLAMIC RAGE   ??    " Insults to Islam yield Predictable results "

sep  18, 2012    letter  to  D  &  C      Mary told me  about it.
  i had prepared  an email sent to
NY TIMES,  USA Today  TIME  mag   then forwarded  to  D & C

I did not even think  about it  because of the way i typed  it and the  parts in red  .Usually you are not supposed to send it to only  one .

_______________i did not think  that is  what  i had forgotten to write  but  i ....


Sat  Sep 22, 2012

I felt  like  taking on :
1-  one line  of  Karl Marx 
2-  One line  of  Thomas  Jefferson   
3-  One line  of  Lord Acton

from  many years  ago....................the Karl Marx  one  was  more recent  . (mentionned
 on Oct 10 at Zuccoti Park )

so tonight  , thinking  that  i will not  be able to write a book  (as i wished for so long )  i felt  like  calling  myself  an Intellectual wrestler  .
QUITE  apt  since  i  wrestle  with  some lines spoken or written by  those


BTW  , while  I am at it here  TELEPHONED  - - -   about Libya suggestion   DC  then 11:54 am  and 12:46 pm
I really  felt happy  then  and now


To be explained  later