Sunday, February 24, 2013


Feb 24, 2013

Today i  sent  several TWEETS  to @ Lawrence and others   about Ted CRUZ accusing Harvard Law School  Profs  to be COMMUNISTS

Gingrich comment about RYAN- Heritage Foundation   Budget  in  MTPress   as  RIGHT WNG  SOCIAL ENGINEERING   really  very REVEALING  and true.

So , After all SOCIALISM  is about  SOCIAL Engineering  , is it not ?

ALSO  my own defintion of  who is  "   A  SOCIALIST   "  which i prepared  in 2004  says it all  LOUD &  CLEAR.

i think i probably have  posted it here  before.

I will  try to  look it up  for the date.


feb 24,2013

Apprently Sen Ted Cruz is trying to fill in the Shoes of  Rep West  or really the Late Sen McCarthy   by accusing  Leftist  folks  to be Communists.

I really felt  the need to explain what in my view  makes anyone deserve the  adjective  COMMUNIST !

Here we go :  A communist is a person who out of his good heart  would like and Actually does  SHARE his  wealth  with   less fortunate people or a cause  which might help the less fortunate.

These  good-hearted people  actually  GIVE AWAY  part of their  WEALTH  to help  a cause that will help OTHERS 
They  are called  PHILANTHROPISTS .
Therefore  only  these PHILANTHROPISTS  are the REAL  COMMUNIST  and  deserve  that label.

All the Other so-called  Communists  are  PHONEY  communists  and that would include the BIGGEST  names  associated with COMMUNISM  in  SOVIET Union or China   or North Korea.

Harvard Professors  are certainly NOT  COMMUNISTS.  They  are just  sympathisers of the philosophy of SHARING  and giving  help to the less fortuate.

Because , I am sure those Ted Cruz mentions  , are NOT  Philanthropists 

Bill GATES  is probably now the greatest  Philanthropist I have heard of  together with   Warren BUFFET  and some others  which I am not sure of.
The  REAL factor  that would make anyone  a COMMUNIST -Philanthropist  is  GIVING  and not getting more or asking for more.

With the above definition/description in mind,  I will also include  the  VOLUNTEERS  in USA who give their TIME  and knowledge and help   , they are also Philanthropists-Communists !

REMEMBER  that , all PEACE CORPS  and millions  of other  VOLUNTEERS  .

>>>>>>>>>>>  NEW  WAY to look at  things.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Feb 8, 2013

I am  not a gun owner or gun lover.
I probably will never buy  a gun.
I held and shot a gun just to try it which my father in law had , and it hurt my shoulder  so, i never did it again.

Now , after listening to the conversations  in America recently, I have arrived  at  a position.
This position has been  based on respect for 2 things  which America claims it stands for :
One is  CAPITALISM   and the other one is  FREEDOM.
So based on my  insistance that  I  must  respect  these  2  values , i will present what i think should NOT be done and what Could be done

1-  We CANNOT prevent  the  Production and the Sales  of  ANY  GUN  or assault weapon  even
       because obviously  because of Capitalism and Freedom

2-   But 
     a -  we CAN  REGULATE  and  DO  a BACKGROUND check  before selling the GUNS 
     b-   Also  we could require  REGISTRATION  of all  sales  whether private or public or resale
            just  as we are doing for  CARS  . 

3-  If some   people are PARANOID about   Gov coming  after their  guns, THEY could  INSURE  them perhaps .  I said  Perhaps  because I  have not figured out the logistics   .  That is up to the insurance companies.

HERE ,  I got it off my chest ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!  because i do not think  BANNING  Assault  weapon can be done.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

GAY culture on Huff Post

Feb 7, 2013

Last night by accident i went on Huffpost  and clicked on the subject of SAFE SEX.  But it was all about the GAY culture and some history  about the AIDS  etc

I read and saw some comments  and in defense of one commentor, Duqwen Oriley .

Well, this morning I got up and received  2 not so tolerant  replies

Do not feel like showing them here. 

>>>>>Feb  8, 2013

I saw  2 other replies  on HuffPost  and  really proves my point  that  those clamoring for Tolerance and recognition  are  themselves  neither tolerant of  others  , nor recognize  that others  may have different  taste.

It is bad to discriminate against people  who are different  , and unless ....

Ah ......The DRONES !

feb 7, 2013

83% of the American People  say it is Ok to use drones  to do targeted  Killings .
So ,that should be the end of the story.

But it seems  some are Uneasy about it.

The truth is that this New  gadget  has been invented for the purpose  of  hitting selectively the enemies and  prevent  engaging in  sending troops for war.

So , really, it is  NATURAL   to prefer them , specially  since  the advent of Al-Qaeda  with leaders who have declared war on the USA.

........>>>>>> t be continued