Sunday, September 1, 2013

DECISION time for me !

Sunday Sep 1, 2013

I am truly sad  and MAD  at  myself.   I have wasted  almost  2  years  on line. So  intend  to stop.

I have decided  that all  the Letters  I wanted  to write  are left Unwritten  . I  must  get  on with them

I hope  I  can  achieve it.  Whether  I  am effective  or  not  also  depends  on the  receptiveness  and seriousness of  others   to  solve  problems.

So , goodbye  for  now.

I  will  only list  the dates  of  letters  sent  , not  the recipients  .


I received  a  letter  from the  White House  Office of  Presidential correspondence  mailed  Aug 23, 2013
received  Aug  27  2013   in  Roc  NY

Reply  to my 3  letters   date Sep 25, 2012.             received WH  signed   Naldo 10/1/2012

So  GOODBYE  for now

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