Jan 10 , 2021
I decided to define Capitalism as the LOGIC of BUSINESS
I could not understand why some love it because of Adam Smith and other reasons , some hated it probably since Karl Marx decided to define it in a negative way.
I must confess that i have not read what they wrote , just heard about them and learned by reading the Encyclopedia about Karl Marx wherein I learned that we were born on the same day of May in a different Century .
So , after i came to America and learned that some hated Capitalism and some loved it and also hearing the REPUBLICANS accuse the DEMOCRATS of being SOCIALISTS to frighten the People so they would not vote for the Democrats i began to think that this is a Mess .
It seemed ILLOGICAL to me that People who loved FDR and benefited for years from the Social Programs that FDR had created , specially SOCIAL SECURITY that lifted Americans out of the DEPRESSION .
Then , it was again The Democratic Party under LBJ who continued with another major Social Program named MEDICARE for Seniors ,
to be continued.... >>>>>>>
Jan 18 , 2021
So , here we are today MLK day and as i decided to continue this Post , as i looked at the words SOCIAL , SOCIALIST , i suddenly realized that GOVERMENT itself is a SOCIAL PHENOMENON .
WHY did People decide to establish a GOVERNMENT ? a Government FOR people in a SOCIETY to establish some order , some regulation , some understanding of how to live together and how to solve problems when they arise.
So, the establishment of a GOVERNMENT is A SOCIALIST ENDEAVOUR !!
This should be most well understood by those who decide to RUN for OFFICE and be ELECTED to RUN the GOVERNMENT
to be continued.... >>>>>>>
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