Monday, February 9, 2009


February 9, 2009

OBAMA has proved that he has tried to be bipartisan....................but the Republicans have KILLED bipartisanship by being obstinate IDEOLOGUES with an AGENDA for 2010 and who can never learn a lesson.
MOST people in America realize that the Economic situation is SO BAD that it will take several years to fix it. That is exactly what the CRAFTY Republicans are betting on and hoping for.
They do not care if America does not recover, because they may be on the scheme of crashing the market by SHORTING it drops to 5700 and everybody feels horrible and blames it on Obama and the Democratic majority on Congress.

Therefore, we the people see through the Republicans' tactics. BUT let me tell them LOUD and CLEAR that ROOTING for Obama's failure is EQUIVALENT to AMERICA'S FAILURE.
SO they should stop being UNPATRIOTIC .
LIMBAUGH said he wanted Obama's policies to fail !!! here is the proof of my analysis.
IF Obama's policies fail...................AMERICA will FAIL too.
so STOP ROOTING for AMERICA's failure...................just because your Wall Street bosses told you to short the selfish fools.

YOUR foreign Policy has already ruined America with 2 wars.............STOP IT, you .........

PS. Please go to HUFFINGTON POST where Arianna " Bipartisan Fetishism or What is best for America.
AS you will probably notice...............that is the exact aim of ALLIANCE for AMERICA.
ie alliance for the sake of america !!!!

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