Monday, March 16, 2009


march 16. 2009

Gordon Brown the Prime minister of England............ thinks the solution to the Global financial crisis is a.....................GLOBAL NEW DEAL.
But nobody seems to know how to make it happen !!
oh, except me.
Yes , i know exactly how to make it happen.
I jotted this down in my personal journal (book 125) on September 26, 2008.
The idea came to me just about the time of Lehman Brother's demise. ( ................)

When Gordon Brown came to the WHITE HOUSE, I also e-mailed the British embassy in DC
to mention that since there is a meeting of the minds ............please have him contact me etc...etc.....

I also E-mailed RECOVERY.GOV and the WHITE no avail

ALAS.........I am getting disappointed that in a democratic country an OPPORTUNITY should not be given to me to present my IDEA/PLAN.

Actually it shows that our ELITE is incapable to believe that an ORDINARY CITIZEN MIGHT KNOW BETTER in this one respect.
so tomorrow, I am going to try something else...................pray for me !!!

PS. the Big shots are going to meet in LONDON in April. so there is not much time left

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