Thursday, March 5, 2009


march 5, 2009

This is personal

on British airways...............april 18 ,1991 from London to Boston...............................................

1- in 1991 greyhound bus station in B.........bag was stolen with documents and notes

2- on the way to Pittsburgh form B........ the train suddenly stopped midway .........on the left I saw painted on the wall a HUGE was NIETZCHE
obviously I realized why..............thinking of a particular line ... in so spake Zoroaster

3- Pittsburgh front of Carnegie Mellon Univ
on the electricity pole in the main street
posted a picture of President B ....with these words........."women get aids "

4- on flight from Pittsburgh to Boston....................a strange event perhaps

5- TARA hotel...........................".would you like to dance ? " " I 'd love to "

6- SPECIAL which i wrote ..........." in these days of PC s ......etc
PC meant in these days of personal computers , ( not Politically Correct ) DEMOCRACY would be easy to happen.................
Gosh this last one really has happened. notably in 2004 eclection
with Governor Howard DEAN raising 45 millions on the internet.

Of course i believe in Public Financing without preventing those who want to FUNDRAISE extra.
This is because I believe it is possible for someone who uses public financing to WIN if the message is best............

OK ...........i am finished

PS i remember a letter i wrote addressed to...............Culinary Institute of America
but i cannot remember the content. that must have been around this time 1991-1993

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