Thursday, December 30, 2010

NO LABELS ?????part 3

Dec 30, 2010

This morning C-span journal had a discussion titled " ENDing Washington GRIDLOCK "
with 2 of the founders of the No-Labels group.
David Frum and another Gentleman I had not seen before by the name of William Galston.

I had a better impression of them, specially Mr Galston, who spoke of REFORM of Political SYSTEM , when a caller talked about that .

He spoke of their agenda as follows a citizen's generated agenda
1- STOP demonizing others
3- Solve problems mode
4- put Country FIRST.............

This last item was same as Alliance for America started 2004 as a DREAM and here as a blog on Dec 2006.

so WHY should they not come to me for advice ??

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