Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sun Feb 27, 2011

My fellow Citizens

Although you may not know me, i want to share my thoughts with you.

I think that there are so many wonderful things being done in America, and so many ADMIRABLE people in this beautiful country of ours.

BUT , I am sad to say that there is nothing left for me to ADMIRE in American Politics.
It has truly gone crazy.

The reason I bought this Domain name ALLIANCE for AMERICA was about a dream i had to UNITE the people at least around 1 , 2 or 3 problems that we have.

Alas , here we are so many years away from that DEC 2004 and still NObody seems to know about this .

No doubt, I am not proficient. I keep having ideas and cannot get them to Fly

i am very sad today.

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