Thursday, June 30, 2011

Alliance for the sake of AMERICA !! AFA

June 30, 2011

My fellow citizens,

I am writing this with a very heavy heart.

I heard of a POLL done by the New York Times/ CBS that really broke my heart specially since it seems true.

Aspen Ideas Poll :

1- 68 % believe that America has DECLINED in the Past 10 years .!

only 23 % ..............think otherwise

2- 78 % think the ECON is the most important issue.

18 % National Security. ---------------------

So, it is such a shame that the Victory we had gained by winning the COLD WAR , and becoming the ONLY SUPERPOWER ..............we blew it all by creating an ENEMY for ourselves.

WHAT a shame !

Where is AMERICA today....? the enemy created has bled us both financially and in real blood.

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