Tuesday, June 7, 2011

BALANCE of Power

june 7, 2011

When the GOP had total control of Government, we had a situation like we had from 2000 to 2006 and really 2008 because the Republicans are OBEDIENT and force others to be obedient too.
So, I remember that period as an almost DICTATORIAL system. Specially with the 2 wars we were led to and 9/11 event.

Even in 2006 when the DEMs got the HOUSE majority , the Dems were able to protect Privatization of Social Security.

However , the best contrast of the 2 parties came in 2008, when the Dems had the TRIPLE CROWN (as Bachmaan calls it )

and lo and behold ...............even with a 60 vote Super Majority in the SENATE.............the Democratic party showed its true colors ......OH yes the DEMs have a DIVIDED party , or to put it in another way..........

the DEMOCRATIC Party is 2 parties in one . Which means that they are a WEAK party and cannot RULE with FORCE like the GOPers.

That means they cannot rule like Dictators. that means that they have a check and balance within the party itself.

The reason I am saying this is to warn people so that Bachmann 's aim to get the TRIPLE CROWN for the GOTPers is a really dangerous thing for the people.

WE the PEOPLE will change to WE THE TEAPARTY

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