Sunday, October 23, 2011

The OTHER S- -

Oct 23, 2011

I have been thinking seriously on where we are in the political debate in our country just a year before the 2012 Election.

Indeed, the 2012 Election is a CHOICE election.

The Choice is between the VISION of the 2 major Political Parties.

1- The GOP likes TAX CUTS , No REGULATIONS and NO Spending for Safety Nets , Cuts for Medicare , Social Security and even Abolishing the MINIMUM WAGE.
Perhaps you can really see what the abolishing the minimum wage would really MEAN !!
their philosophy is YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN .

2- The Democratic Party stands for the NEW DEAL and all the programs that it created ( despite the opposition of the GOP ) .
It stands for HELPING the People .......sure by taxing those who benefited most from the System ).
The Democratic vision is : the GOV has a role in helping people and providing OPPORTUNITY.

3- So , without spelling it out is ONE S--------- Vs second S---------

4- i will allow you to GUESS what the 2 S -------- are

SO the CHOICE is CLEAR and it is UP to you the CITIZENS at the ballot box in November 2012.

THOSE who show up to VOTE ..........will win .

so in will be IT IS the TURN-OUT , STUPID !!


Kamran K said...

yes turn out is very important...i wonder if this next election will be more a vehicle for the expression of profound range...the country is not in a good position right now and i think the candidate that taps into the populace's rage better will be the winner!

malee said...

SAD but true.
However today the President has put it in a clear fashion by going to Theodore Roosevelt and he even quoted from him'
MAKE or BREAK time for the middle Income people.
Notice I do not use the term Middle CLASS , i think it is INSULTING. Why do they not say MIDDLE INCOME ?
SO let us see if the MIDDLE INCOME folks who do not have much savings , and rely on the NEW DEAL programs .