Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Throw them ALL out " ??????? WHY ???

Dec. 9th ,2011

" Throw them ALL out " ??? Mr .....

WHY on GOD's green Earth would I or We the People do that , which you so undiscriminately suggest in your book by the same title ??????????????????

Are we the American People s0 blinded by our anger with the Institution of Congress that we would PUNISH Some who actually deserve RE-Election with those Scoundrels who do not deserve another term ???
i am going to prepare a list, of those who DESERVE another Term , like President Obama and those in Congress like Nancy Pelosi , who did NOT VOTE for the WAR in IRAQ and also Rep LOUISE SLAUGHTER of Rochester NY.

There are some 100 plus others but I do not now know their name , so ..................i will complile them later hopefully soon.

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