Sunday, January 13, 2013

PETITION to PAY OFF Student DEBT with ONE Trillion COIN

Sun Jan 13, 2013

Yesterday  I finally was  able to write a PETITION  on the WHITE HOUSE  Website   ( 10:10 am )

And later  on   .about 11 am

The PETITION  read  as follows

to the President :   "  USE  One Trillion coin to PAY OFF  Student Debt. In return JOBless Students could Volunteer in community , teach or  etc.

@ 9:12 pm   i saw  the   headline on Huff Post     NO COIN broke my heart  ....then  i saw  the rest of the Post  title.  saying   he would not use the coin   as  a Solution for   the DEBT CEILING  !!

AHA  so the President  was thinking  that  It  is  the CONGRESS duty to SOLVE the DEBT  CEILING  , and NOT  rhw President's  role to do that.

BUT  it could be the PRESIDENT's  responsibility  to find a SOLUTION for the HORRIBLE  DEBT  the STUDENTS  have.
One Trillion of debt..............all accumulated  by BORROWING  , because  the SYSTEM  told them it is good to borrow  to go to COLLEGE  and get a degree...........(just like  it was done for the HOUSING bubble ).
SURELY  , these decision makers  knew  that  there would be NOT  ENOUGH  JOB  for all those  GRADUATES.  specially in the NO  STEM  degrees.

>>>>>>>>>>> HERE comes  my PETITION  to SOLVE  this  problem  with  the  PLATINUM COIN   idea  which is actually  a LEGAL ONE.


I believe there is  NO  WAY  to HELP the STUDENTs  other than THIS  PAYING OFF  their DEBT  with   ONE   TRILLION  dollar  COIN  minted  only for this purpose. 

THIS  will  help  both  the STUDENTS  and the BANKS  which  LOANED  the money to them.

SO, WHAT  harm can this do ??  It is as  THEY WON  the lottery.

PLEASE  go on to    www.WHITEHOUSE.GOV/petitions
  and sign the Petition

25,000     SIGNATURES   are needed  by February 11, 2013

REMEMBER  what   FDR  said.:  "  MAKE  ME  DO  IT  "

Meaning PEOPLE  have to PUSH  the  PRESIDENT  to DO   IT.

SPREAD  all over  the Internet TWITTER  FB  and  MEDIA  and UNIVERSITES and COLLEGES

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