Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Independents' DILEMMA

tuesday 12/19/06


As you may have heard, more and more people opt out of Political parties or at least consider themselves independents.
Many also are not even registered to vote, so. they could be considered independents .
Among these are specially the YOUNGer Generation.

I became an American citizen in 2000, and I immediately registered in the Democratic Party.
In 2004, I still remained so, but I said to myself that after the Election, I will change my registration , and I did exactly that.

I am now totally independent, which means I do not belong to any Political Party. The reason being that I do not totally agree with any Political Party.
So, as an Independent thinker I began to think hard about what is needed in America. I realized that 2 steps had to be taken.

1- Independents must have a Vision.

2- Have a site where people could read about it , and give feedback and ideas etc.....so as to create a meaningful movement, that would accomplish a positive change.

3- I decided to call this movement ALLIANCE of Independent Citizens A.I.C.

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