Thursday, December 31, 2009


Dec 31, 2009

Yesterday was a turning point for me.
On hearing several bad news from Afghanestan and the story about the fact that DOTS HAD NOT BEEN CONNCECTED and that the CIA forgot to call the Director of the FBI to report what the Nigerian banker /father had told the CIA about his son.

SO, I really got fed up with our way of thinking about this WAR on Terrorism .

1- eternal vigilance is from now on necessary by every US citizen and Citizen of the world.

2- If there is any effective way to detect and prevent it should be taken no holds barred (??)

3- BUT the most important is how we view the present situation.

YES , I AM FED UP by the way we analyze and interpret our situation.

I AM here DECLARING with CERTAINTY that THE WEST has WON and the TERRORISTS have LOST....................the battle for the hearts and minds . I can assure that hundred of millions of Moslems love the Western civilization or they would not have immigrated to live there.


IN the final analysis
these PETTY LUNATICS have nothing positive to offer the world , as we have seen everywhere since the so-called the revival of the POLITICIZED ISLAM .

The only reason they had going for them is that America is an OCCUPIER , which is NO LONGER , because the places we are in are HAPPY to have US PROTECT them from these miniscule and PETTY FRINGE s who just hate modernity while using the technology that the WESTERN SCIENTIFIC prowess has provided.

I feel now relieved that I have spoken/ written the truth.

on this last day of 2009 at 10.45 am

Monday, December 28, 2009

Alliance for the SAKE of AMERICA

Dec 28, 2009

It is now just over 5 years that i bought the Domain name ALLIANCE FOR AMERICA.

Unfortunately, because of my Lack of knowledge of how to make this site well-known
I have not received much comments.

so here at a time when people are really looking beyond the 2 parties, it is such a shame that they should not know that there is a place where we could form and ALLIANCE to work FOR THE SAKE OF AMERICA.

Beyond party affiliation, and just focusing on the ISSUES and then do whatever is necessary to put our solutions out there and if there is a candidate that can put them on the Platform of the existing political party ...............then we will have some place to go and vote.

Dec 30 , 2009

It is strange, that even when the Democratic Party have a majority, they seem to lack any power .
We all probably have noticed how the GOP has been able to......... hijack the tea party movement BY PUSHING their own people into leadership position and also CORPORATIZING it with money from most probably the Health industry.

so the final comment here is that :

the DEMOCRATS are always the UNDERDOG just like the people they represent.
And the GOP is the political BULLY and always in charge.!

Another point I would like to note is that since we have seen the Dems are DIVIDED into moderates , conservatives , and progressives........they are really 3 parties in ONE.

Thus AMERICA does not need another political party like the GOP.

REALLY WHO NEEDS A 4th party ???

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Dec 9, 2009

As I said when I started this AFA blogspot................I became UNafiliated as soon as the 2004 election was over .
My reasoning was and still is.........if I cannot agree 100% with a party. Why should I accept their label on me ?!

But as time passed , I had to react to political events and trends, and as the REPUBLICAN Policies were so obviously wrong and UN-democratic , I found myself defending Obama and Nancy Pelosi because I noticed that the attacks were so UNJUSTIFIED.

Even at one time , realizing that a lot of issues had to be tackeled and with republican opposition being so adamant nothing will be done and we would have GRIdLock ; I wanted a VETO-proof DEMOcratic Majority so as to GET THINGS DONE.

WHAT has happened since the election, was to my amazement and sadness even worse than I expected.

Monday, November 23, 2009

independent FOOLS

bov 23, 2009

Many independents are politically Ignorant , so they act like SPOILED BRATS , moving from voting for one party to another just to show their dissatisfaction.

These Independents

PS i am so angry because of the POLLocrats effort to swing the independents to the Republs
this is a systematic effort to bring back the Reps

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

all the good .... LOST

sep 8, 2oo9

I did not want to write anything on this blog after the March 20 entry.
But what has happened recently makes me break the silence.
I am totally depressed to hear and see so much HATRED unleashed by the critics of Obama/
Certainly mostly unfair and undeserved.

Whatever good the world saw in Us having voted the first black American must have just gone away when they see how HATEFUL some have become ........

HOW right was George Washington for not liking political parties............!!! this is why i started ALLIANCE For dec 2004 be continued

our soldiers are being killed everyday.................i just cannot stand it any more.............

Friday, March 20, 2009


march 20, 2009

Dear President OBAMA

Thank you for your message to the IRANIANS for the NOROOZ.
It seems God has shown me the way to get the

no more comment here................
read again june 24, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009


march 16. 2009

Gordon Brown the Prime minister of England............ thinks the solution to the Global financial crisis is a.....................GLOBAL NEW DEAL.
But nobody seems to know how to make it happen !!
oh, except me.
Yes , i know exactly how to make it happen.
I jotted this down in my personal journal (book 125) on September 26, 2008.
The idea came to me just about the time of Lehman Brother's demise. ( ................)

When Gordon Brown came to the WHITE HOUSE, I also e-mailed the British embassy in DC
to mention that since there is a meeting of the minds ............please have him contact me etc...etc.....

I also E-mailed RECOVERY.GOV and the WHITE no avail

ALAS.........I am getting disappointed that in a democratic country an OPPORTUNITY should not be given to me to present my IDEA/PLAN.

Actually it shows that our ELITE is incapable to believe that an ORDINARY CITIZEN MIGHT KNOW BETTER in this one respect.
so tomorrow, I am going to try something else...................pray for me !!!

PS. the Big shots are going to meet in LONDON in April. so there is not much time left

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


March 10, 2009

50 days ago, Obama was inaugurated. Remember the mood?

Even those who did not vote for him were OK with this election and President.

Acutally, JUST the fact that AMERICANS had elected him, the WORLD saw Us in a better light.
Obama's election had reversed the ILL-WILL and turned it into GOOD WILL...
THIS was the GIFT OBAMA gave to AMERICA ........albeit due also to those Americans who voted for him.

Then since he became President, He has tirelessly worked and tried to do good on His PROMISES..............

But what does he get for this ??............The REPUBLICANS hoping and wishing for his FAILURE.
either publically, or privately or legislatively.......

Thursday, March 5, 2009


march 5, 2009

I heard this word Apartisan meaning NON-partisan ?

do you think Post-partisan is better or not ?

Nov 18, 2009

bipartisanship is impossible with that Republican seen since Obama was elected .
The republicans think Bipartisanship is when the Democrats do whatever they want.
The Republicans HATE democratic policies.................
They liked Clinton , because he did what they wanted


march 5, 2009

This is personal

on British airways...............april 18 ,1991 from London to Boston...............................................

1- in 1991 greyhound bus station in B.........bag was stolen with documents and notes

2- on the way to Pittsburgh form B........ the train suddenly stopped midway .........on the left I saw painted on the wall a HUGE was NIETZCHE
obviously I realized why..............thinking of a particular line ... in so spake Zoroaster

3- Pittsburgh front of Carnegie Mellon Univ
on the electricity pole in the main street
posted a picture of President B ....with these words........."women get aids "

4- on flight from Pittsburgh to Boston....................a strange event perhaps

5- TARA hotel...........................".would you like to dance ? " " I 'd love to "

6- SPECIAL which i wrote ..........." in these days of PC s ......etc
PC meant in these days of personal computers , ( not Politically Correct ) DEMOCRACY would be easy to happen.................
Gosh this last one really has happened. notably in 2004 eclection
with Governor Howard DEAN raising 45 millions on the internet.

Of course i believe in Public Financing without preventing those who want to FUNDRAISE extra.
This is because I believe it is possible for someone who uses public financing to WIN if the message is best............

OK ...........i am finished

PS i remember a letter i wrote addressed to...............Culinary Institute of America
but i cannot remember the content. that must have been around this time 1991-1993

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Feb. 24, 2009

President OBAMA has spoken.
Has inspired, has kept his promises........... and has FIRED UP I hope millions of citizens to HOPE for a RECOVERY in the next 2 years.
I am sure we will recover too.


feb 24, 2009

Freedom to choose your religion or faith is indeed a DIVINE right.

The prophet Mohammad brought Islam and talked of all the people AHLE KETAAB ie those with sacred book. thus signaling PLURALISM in religious matters.

Also He declared himself as coming after 124000 previous prophets or messengers of God.
THUS implying that pluralism again.

BUT the Prophet Mohammad also said he was the LAST of the PROPHETs because he was COMPLETING the message of GOD ( KAMELL ).

MY interpretation of the facts above, is as follows :

" Gosh . how many prophets must I GOD , send before these human beings understand .! "

This is what God must have thought when He gave Mohammad the mission to complete his Divine message .

Of course, since people have apparently limited ability to UNDERSTAND HIS WILL ..............there was need for a new type of leadership.

so from 600 to now we .................

to be continued 9.10 pm tuesday 24, Feb. 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009


Feb 20,2009

Las night I felt compelled to say : The Freedom to choose your religion is a HUMAN right.
I was thinking that since we allow people to choose their POLITICAL PARTY.........
WHY NOT allow them to choose their religion.???
why not indeed ?
But apparently the Islamic religious leaders or scholars have not learnt this yet.

Today , I suddenly remembered what I had uttered last night. ..........and I felt I had to say something else :
The right to choose your religion is a ..........DIVINE RIGHT !!

As a mother,I could not see myself forcing my child into accepting one religion, just as I would not be able to force a particular dress or sweater on my child .


Freedom of speech freedom of assembly

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

POST-Partisan Not BI-Partisan

Feb 10. 2009

After Obama announced his Presidential Candidacy, I actually described him as POST-Partisan and POST-racial candidate.
saying on Huffington Post that he would USHER AMERICA into the POST-racial and POST-partisan ERA.
OBAMA has so far proved that he was and is Bipartisan.
But Bipartisanship should be love a TWO-WAY street. The Republicans have proved they prefer hatred to love.

I wanted to share this fact here, because ALLIANCEFORAMERICA always puts AMERICA above partisanship. THAT means PATRIOTISM is more important than PARTISANSHIP or even BIPARTISANSHIP.

PLEASE remember that . POST-Partisanship is the correct attitude.

Monday, February 9, 2009

WHO .............?

feb. 9, 2009

I wonder who was the person who BEGAN DOUBTING BIPARTISANSHIP ?

or me ?



The Republicans can rule without concern for the seen since 1980 1994 and specially during The ROVIAN rule we heard of establishing PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY.

so WHY should Democrats be Bipartisan and Rpublicans NOT??????


feb. 9, 2009

Obama promised Bipartisanship, and acted as a Bipartisan and behaved as one...................BUT
The Republicans KILLED bipartisanship.

you say no ? prove it
They are trying to force Obama to do AS THEY SAY...............OR ELSE.
THEY ARE USING the bipartisanship as a CLUB to BANG and Hit OBAMA on his head.

People see through this, I HOPE
all those who love AMERICA should see through this .

NO BIPARTISANSHIP for bipartisanship 's sake.......................ONLY for AMERICA's sake.


February 9, 2009

OBAMA has proved that he has tried to be bipartisan....................but the Republicans have KILLED bipartisanship by being obstinate IDEOLOGUES with an AGENDA for 2010 and who can never learn a lesson.
MOST people in America realize that the Economic situation is SO BAD that it will take several years to fix it. That is exactly what the CRAFTY Republicans are betting on and hoping for.
They do not care if America does not recover, because they may be on the scheme of crashing the market by SHORTING it drops to 5700 and everybody feels horrible and blames it on Obama and the Democratic majority on Congress.

Therefore, we the people see through the Republicans' tactics. BUT let me tell them LOUD and CLEAR that ROOTING for Obama's failure is EQUIVALENT to AMERICA'S FAILURE.
SO they should stop being UNPATRIOTIC .
LIMBAUGH said he wanted Obama's policies to fail !!! here is the proof of my analysis.
IF Obama's policies fail...................AMERICA will FAIL too.
so STOP ROOTING for AMERICA's failure...................just because your Wall Street bosses told you to short the selfish fools.

YOUR foreign Policy has already ruined America with 2 wars.............STOP IT, you .........

PS. Please go to HUFFINGTON POST where Arianna " Bipartisan Fetishism or What is best for America.
AS you will probably notice...............that is the exact aim of ALLIANCE for AMERICA.
ie alliance for the sake of america !!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Tomorrow Barack will be sworn in.

When I started Alliance for America, with the hope that people would be able to go beyond Party labels and dogmas in order to work for the sake of AMERICA
hence the TERM of this blog:

alliance for america

This is exactly what I hear Obama has invited people to do : to become active for the sake of America's FUTURE.

so. I feel in a way victorious too .

i hope the haters will think of america and move beyond their hatred too.


jan 19, 2009

I do not think it would be fair to think OBAMA has failed if the economy does not completely recover by a certain date.
If he can create millions of job and figure out something positive for Health care and helps student get student loans and helps the CAR companies not go is good enough. ANY improvement is positive.

BUT he must be truthful all the way. i could not bear it if he lies.

ALSO most important is to realize that if GOD FORBID there is a different kind of terrorist attack on USA from the kind of 9/11, that would only mean that the Dicector McConell is right when he says that he is afraid of CYBER attack and BIO Terrorism: meaning that if it happens any might not be anybody's fault either.

BECAUSE NO ONE CAN or knows how to PREVENT THESE 2 KINDS of terrorism yet.
so perhaps it is better foe us to become so good that no one hates us !!!

THE ONLY..................

On friday January 16, 2009 I made this entry in my intellectual/political diary (book 126/120)

The Only thing that should not .......... CHANGE is :


I hope he will have the COURAGE to remain true to himself and all what he said he stood for to the millions of hopeful supporters and voters who believed him and TRUSTED HIM.

May GOD help America to lead the world out of this tragic financial situation.


On Friday Jan 16, 2009 at 7:35pm
I thought of one thing, and I wrote it in my intellectual/political diary (book 126) the following :



i am having problems with the colorsreally stupid

Monday, January 12, 2009

To CHANGE or NOT CHANGE, that is the question

Jan 12, 2009

That is SHAKESPEREAN question in front of OBAMA, it seems...............BUT this is a problem.

THIS is the question that should not even be in front of him.
The question itself seems a betrayal of all his campaign stood for.

NO CHANGE will mean death of the Obama the hopeful promise.

too sad to even contemplate !!

OBAMA had a big win bigger than what George W Bush had in 2004................
so why not be as assertive as Pres. Bush about his POLITICAL CAPITAL ?
Obama has a bigger Political capital after having 365 Electoral votes .
He should not forget this and should not act so weakly.


JAN 12, 2009

I have been wanting to send a letter to the President Obama earlier than Jan 20,
Have not done so.
This morning I sent an E-mail OPEN LETTER to THE NATION magazine for him, perhaps because that magazine had written an Open Letter for OBAMA , to which I replied (sep 19 issue).

Also since Chris Hayes had a great article Barack Obama.......... " The Pragmatist " in the Dec 29 issue.
OBAMA wanted and wants to be a UNITER..... so it is natural that he LISTENS to the Other side..............but bending backward to PLEASE the Republican hard -liners who still live int the pre-market crash of yonder not pragmatism it is forgetting his own philosophy that made him win.
This is forgetting those who VOTED for him , to please those who are waiting to VOTE HIM OUT in 2010/2012
THIS would be BETRAYAL of TRUST of all those who supported Obama with so much money and so much energy and trust and HOPE.

This is a friendly warning to Obama and also his supporters to be ALERT and awake.

I will copy the letter which was published on Sep 29,08 , but cannot write here the one I emailed to THE NATION today.
just so you know where I come from.


Governor CUOMO said so well A BENIGN pragmatist is OK but not the MACHIAVELLIAN pragmatist type.

CORRECT is better than RIGHT

Jan 12, 2009

I do not know if I have written about the difference between the CORRECT position and the RIGHT position before here.
But I have noted it in my intellectual diary.
I really decided to alert people about this after seeing the ad of Pat ROBERTSON and Rev Sharpton in their MUTUAL ad about global warming..............
Pat was grinning and mentionned ..... THE RIGHT ....

In truth the Republicans ( 1 ) have benefited too much from the meaning of the word RIGHT
by saying the Left is wrong, and the Right is RIGHT